Studies of International Logical-Historical School

About Authors

The authors of the works, published in this book, are the young scientists, mostly graduates of Moscow University named by M.V.Lomonosov. All authors are the pupils of professor V.A.Vazyulin and try to be his followers. Prof. V.A.Vazyulin is a well known specialist in the field of methodology and history of marxist-leninist philosophy, the researcher of logic of "Capital" by K.Marx, the author of the approach to the research of the society submitting it as an organic whole. This approach is expounded in his monograph "The Logic of History". The name of the research school, represented one way or another by the authors of the book, is connected with the name of this the most important for today work of the soviet scientist.


The book will be interesting to all progressive minded people, who are interested in social-political ideas development. The followers of marxism must be interested in creative approach to K.Marx and F.Engels doctrine. The opponents of marxism denying that marxism is a science may understand what marxism as a science means. Some materials will be useful for the participants of left-wing and communist movement. Our main readers are young people with a bright mind and fiery heart. Both those who are solving their outlook problems and those who have decided to study social theory to alter the world.


This book is a collection of articles, gained with one main need - to comprehend the past in connection with the present. As G.Hegel says the only lesson the history gives is that nobody learns lessons from it. Nevertheless the authors hope that the mankined has become mature enough to learn from it's own past.

The authors study the history of formation of capitalism, the history of political economy of socialism, history of social philosophy, crisis of soviet marxism, summarize the theoretical achievements of a concept of V.A.Vazyulin, analyze the crisis of communist movement.

The book begins with the interview with prof. V.A.Vazyulin taken in spring 1994 by a correspondent of Greek left magazine. The interview touches a set of important problems. First of all there is the problem of underestimation of theoretical researches and theory by communist and pro-communist parties and movements. This doesn't allow to comprehend the modem epoch and leads these parties to a deadlock. The stages of bourgeois counterrevolution in the USSR are revealed in the interview, the modem political forces are characterized. The cha­racteristic of a place and role of the bureaucracy in practice of the socialist society and in soviet state decay is of certain interest.

In the article of A.Harlamenko and E.Harlamenko an attempt is ma­de to show the becoming of capitalism as a world system. One who will reads this article will never imagine history as a mechanical unit of histories of separate countries and regions. Wide concrete historical material illustrates these mutual connections between nations which were paid little attention to.

From historical science the reader passes to the history of social philosophy. G.Dobkin gives the interpretation of the views development of soviet social scientists to the history of a society, which is based on the books published in 50-80 years. The modification of the approaches to the society research from materialistic conception of history to understanding of a society as an organic whole is analyzed.

The researches on political economy of socialism becoming continue the analysis of science. For the first time the stated in "The Logic of History" is applied by M.Dafermos to the concrete material political economy of socialism. The stages of the foundation of this science are picked out. The connection between these stages and the stages of soviet society development is traced.

S.Rudakov speaking about the crisis of soviet marxism as a form of social consciousness reveals the main problem - the problem of a method. Premarxist comprehension of K.Marx was typical for many soviet social scientists. The long way to K.Marx was not overcome by soviet marxism in general.

At the same time a mature comprehension of K.Marx have existed already in the USSR. Three Greek authors try to expound exactly in a concentrated form the system of views of V.A.Vazyulin fixing some results of marxism development. This interpretation, according to the authors idea, should confirm their thesis about a necessity of a new approach to the strategy and tactic of revolutional research. The de­velopment of social theory is necessary to overcome the crisis of world communist movement.

The article of M.Maximov is devoted to the problem of crisis of communist movement in former USSR. The main question is the difference between the epoch of counter-revolution and the epoch of revolution, which is misunderstood by many left-wing parties. The main practical task of the epoch is the development of marxism and creation of conditions for such development. First of all it means the creation of international theoretical social political magazine of creative marxism.


Introduction of editors and collectors of the book.......................……………………………………………..…......... 4


"To comprehend the modem epoch..." Interview with prof. V.A.Vazyulin................................…………..…................ 6


A. V.Harlamenko, E.N.Harlamenko On becoming capitalism as a world system  ..................................…….…..................... 30

Post-face of the book collectors Comments about the method of research of capitalism formation ....……................ 63

G.S.Dobkin Methodological problems of the reflection of the society as a whole in soviet literature of 50-80 years.............………………………………………………………………………………………………….........70

M.Daphermos Political economy of socialism: History and reality....................…………...................................................... 91

S.I.Rudakov Crisis of soviet marxism and ways of getting out of it.......…...............………....................................... 119

Post-face of the book collectors. A few remarks about soviet marxism and  socialism............................................. 140

M.Daphermos, P.Pavlidis, D.Patelis Bourgeois counterrevolution and some results of marxism development (To the

problem of strategy and tactic of revolutionary research)...........……………………………………........................ 144

M. V.Maximov How to be? About a crisis of communist movement    ...............……………………...................... 208


Dear comrades. Our fragile and unstable formation - scientific school and social-political circle - needs your support. We belong to very few if not the only group, setting an aim of social theory and scientific outlook development. It is not a problem for a single person or a group of like-minded persons. It is a cause of progressive people of the world. Your participation may be various: political support, financial and technical assistance, exchange of information, mutual works publications.

Our nearest plans are to publish a new book of V.A.Vazyulin devo­ted to the analysis of successes and defeats of the USSR from a position of creative marxism. It means that

- objective laws of the history of becoming, development and downfall of the soviet society in the USSR are brought out in the inner unity with the subjective factor, but under the leading role of the objective laws. The history is regarded as a natural-historic process;

- the contradictoriness of this process is analyzed (from the position of the unity of internal and external contradictories);

- the analysis is fulfilled in the connection with the theory of socialism, i.e. the problems is analyzed what socialism is, different necessary forms of socialist society and the necessary conditions of their beginning and existence are considered, the differences between early and late socialist revolutions, and early and late socialism are introduced and based.

Dear comrades, please order the translations of the articles of this book, translate them yourself, send your works devoted to marxism to us. Please write to us. We are ready to an open and honest dialogue.


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